Exchange2003 replication or something.

    Date: 02/24/06 (IT Professionals)    Keywords: software, spam

    I just need a little clue/best practice info.

    My main office has an exchange server that hosts multiple email domains

    the primary domain for most people is and secondary wouldbe be

    My company is starting up a new office in china, since access mail via pop3/OWA/terminal services is a pain due to frequent large attachments (>15mb), I've decided to setup a exchange2003 server in china.

    These are my aims.

    I'd like things done so that I don't have to pay for a second antispam software etc.

    in otherwords, I'd like all mail to be received by my main mail server, archived/journalled , then mail for is replicated/relayed over to the china server, for some users who operate in both, to replicate their mailbox over as well.

    when mail is sent at the server, it should be relayed back to the main office to be journalled then sent out

    What are your suggestions?


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