Wipro bags Rs.11.8 bn outsourcing deal

    Date: 03/14/09 (Java Web)    Keywords: no keywords

    BANGALORE - Wipro Infotech has bagged a Rs.11.82-billion (Rs.1,182-crore) IT outsourcing contract from the state-run Employees State Insurance Corp (ESIC), the company said Friday. In bagging the deal, Wipro outbid India's other two IT bellwethers Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) and Infosys Technologies in a global tender floated in November 2008 for ESIC's 'Project Panchdeep'. The over six-year [...]

    Source: http://blog.taragana.com/index.php/archive/wipro-bags-rs118-bn-outsourcing-deal/

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