What would be the Features of an Ideal Blog Software

    Date: 07/14/05 (Java Web)    Keywords: blogging, rss, software, spam

    What features would you like in your dream blogging software? Let me know your thoughts. Here's what comes to my mind: Commenting with: WYSIWYG with shortcuts and buttons and spell checker (Tom Raftery's suggestion) Strong Spam Protection through: Blacklist Trackback Moderation Keyword (regex) moderation IP Banning Referrer Bouncer Rule based spam checking Full support for RSS 2.0 & Atom 0.3, Pingback protocols Offline Blogging support through MT and [...]

    Source: http://blog.taragana.com/index.php/archive/what-would-be-the-features-of-an-ideal-blog-software/

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