Opening Popups from Popups.

    Date: 08/22/06 (Javascript Community)    Keywords: no keywords

    Hi guys. I'm needing a bit of help. I've looked everywhere and can't find what I'm looing for. I don't know if it's possible though. I've got the script to open up a pop up window but what I'm looking for is if I can make a new popup window open in a new fresh window next to original one if you click a link INSIDE the first popup window. I know I can make it appear next to it using the top and left varibles but I can't seem to make a fresh popup open after click a link in an already opened pop. I tried using target but I may be using the wrong varible code. Any help is appreciated.

    EDIT: see comments for more info if this isn't a clear explaination; I'm no good at explaining things.


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