
    Date: 08/22/06 (Javascript Community)    Keywords: css, java

    hi everyone,
    i have a question that i can't seem to solve.
    i'm using a function ieHover.js to make my css menu dropdowns work in IE. the file i have works if i only have one dropdown menu on the page but i need two (and they have separate ids). this is kind of a a syntax question, here is the file:

    basically i need it to perform the function on menu ids "nav" (found in line 3) and another called "mainnav"

    how do i rewrite the javascript to take in two values, therefore performing the function on two different list ids?


    ps. i've tried creating two separate js files to call, but that doesn't work because then the second file cancels out the first if that makes sense.

    edit: i posted my question over at dev shed forums and received a working answer pretty quickly. here is the solution if you are curious:


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