Fun game

    Date: 01/02/07 (Javascript Community)    Keywords: php, mysql, html, sql, java, spam

    I must have a bot watching my site, here is an example

    When I clear out their spam, it fills up immediately. Its kinda fun. Right now I have a javascrip that redirects their IP shows up. Apparrently JS doesnt work.

    The scripts are all perl and I havent used perl in over 6 years :) This site has been self maintaining since 1996.

    So, now I get to try and beat the bot.

    I've redone the site in PHP and MYSQL here

    so it isn't a big deal. I havent shut down the old site because I make money from both.

    Eventually, the new site will be like Craigslist requiring a valid email and email validation. For this site I think I'll have to use PERL to kick this guy. ... or maybe just submit the form with javascript.

    Is there a way to tell if a specific visitor has javascript enabled? I'll have to see if PERL can do this.


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