Javascript Widget

    Date: 01/08/07 (Javascript Community)    Keywords: browser, web

    Hey guys,

    I've had a shit ton of problems creating a widget that will stay on top of everything in the browser window, and compatible with IE6, 7 and FF in both PC and Mac. The problem is often Flash but other times there is just an overflow bug because to get around IE6's stupid non-support for position:fixed I coded in overflow:auto to the body element. It's complicated. It's still not working for all platforms.

    Anyway, so I was just browsing to see there is a widget like this already and saw the incredible widget on Adobe's website:

    That looks great, but the code is pretty convoluted. And, plus, they have a copyright and patent warning attached in their script. I think they may have minified it too. So, I'm like, screw this. There has to be someone who knows an open source version of the same widget. anyone?


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