"dynamic" resizing

    Date: 01/15/07 (Javascript Community)    Keywords: php, html, xml

    i have a div that's populated ("ajax-ey") with search results.

    more text and stuff here
    blah blah

    if few results are returned, i want the div to expand vertically to accomodate them, and push the "more text and stuff" down a little. which is how it works by default. however, if the div ends up with a ton of data in it, i'd like to shrink it down and allow the user to scroll through the results. i don't want to shove the "more text and stuff" 8,000,000 pixels down.

    i tried this (the alerts are for trouble shooting):

    function search(search_val) {
        xml_http = ajax();
        if (xml_http) {
            document.getElementById('search_results').style.display = "block";
            url = encodeURI("./search.php?search="+search_val);
            xml_http.onreadystatechange=function() {
                if (xml_http.readyState!=4) {
                else if (xml_http.readyState==4) {

    function resize_element(elem,size) {
        if (document.getElementById(elem).clientHeight > size) {
            document.getElementById(elem).style.height = size;

    no matter where i call the resize_element function, it keeps firing before the search_results element is fully populated, and oftentimes doesn't resize the thing at all. so, is there a better way to implement this? is there a way to say, "ok, the client has displayed all of the data, now check the size... ?

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/javascript/124459.html

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