Embedding video

    Date: 03/01/07 (Javascript Community)    Keywords: html, java, web


    I'm really new to java and I am looking to embed a video from ifilm in a popup window.

    This is the script I have so far:

    start script

    function openindex()
    OpenWindow=window.open("", "newwin", "height=400, width=500,toolbar=no,scrollbars="+scroll+",menubar=no");
    Open.Window.document.("bracket embed width="448" height="365" src=weblinkhere quality="high" bgcolor="000000" name="efp" align="middle" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer" flashvars="flvbaseclip=2687058" >")

    end script

    The link is supposed to be: http://www.ifilm.com/efp
    I had to put it like that so everyone could see the code.

    Also, bracket embed is supposed to be < embed (no space of course)

    The problem is in the embed tag.
    If I dont have that there I get a popup box to come up no problem.

    At ifilm, that was the embed html code they supplied.
    When I put it in the body text it worked (not as java, as plain html).
    But I want it to popup in a separate window when you click on some text or a button.

    Can someone help me figure out what I'm doing wrong?

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/javascript/128770.html

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