Problem with IE

    Date: 03/06/07 (Javascript Community)    Keywords: php, java

    This is my first posting here. Javascript is not my forte (PHP is) and I find myself with a problem that only affects IE. The script works perfectly in Firefox, but gives an error in IE.
    I have a form with two buttons. One sends the form, the other previews the information in a new window/tag. While the sending works, the previewing does not in IE.

    This is my code:

    function sendForm(action, target) {
    document.fic_form.action = action; = target;

    which is called with these buttons:
    on=add_fic', '_self')">

    The error I get is:

    Line: 11 Char: 9 Error: Object doesn’t support this property or method Code: 0 URL: http//

    A friend of mine who also tested it who this one too:

    Line: 7 Char: 2 Error: ‘document.fic_form.fic’ is not or not an object Code: 0 URL: http//

    Do you have any idea of what the problem is?



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