iframe links to iframe
Date: 10/17/05
(Javascript Community) Keywords: html, java, web
hey folks,
i'm very new to webdesign, with about as much html experience as it takes to write an expressive lj entry.
on a tight budget, rather than hiring even friends to do it, i'm designing http://www.destructibleheart.com for my small press. most of the site's simple enough that i can get away with what i know. but for the STORE part of the site, there's content that gets pretty inelegant if i'm not careful.
so i've got a bar across the bottom in an IFRAME with all the thumbnails of the book covers, and above it another IFRAME that features book info, bigger cover image, and author info, etc.

i'm trying to get my book cover thumbs in the bottom IFRAME to link to the top IFRAME. how do i do this? everything i've looked up so far points to javascript, so i came here. i'd have checked the memories already, but the lj is having trouble with it right now. so i appreciate you indulging me.
thanks so much!
Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/javascript/79740.html