somebody me! wm p

    Date: 05/25/06 (Microsoft Windows)    Keywords: no keywords

    okay. been having this weird problem w/ windows media player for the last three days ago.
    l'm not sure how, but my settings changed (l'm guessing, anyway) and it's affected the appearance of the player - it looks older, now - l have wm p v 10 - and instead of having the set of buttons at the top to switch between library, ripping, now playing and so on, l have to go to view & select go to.
    it's really irritating, but that's not the worst.
    aside from that, whenever l put a cd in the cd rom, it automatically starts ripping. l'm thinking it's something to do w/ the autorun feature, since that's the only thing l haven't been able to check the settings on - at the mo windows media player does NOT say rip upon insertion (one of the options in cd ripping)... 
    l've tried help, and checked out the options for the program, but l'm out of ideas, so someone help?
    and l really hope that made sense - l'm not an idiot.

    l don't think. but l AM frustrated. lol, l wanna switch the view back, but l dunno how. help???????


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