Windows Vista Help

    Date: 06/11/06 (Microsoft Windows)    Keywords: no keywords

    Okay, so like a good geek I downloaded the public beta of Windows Vista. I decided to wipe my trusty Gateway laptop and see what Vista had to offer. System specs as follows:

    Gateway M520
    Pentium 4 3.4 GHz processor
    1 Gig Memory
    80 Gig HD
    ATI Radeon Mobility 9600/9700, 64 Megs

    Long story short, I install the OS, reboot and it hangs. After letting it sit there inactive for awhile. I reboot it and it recovers. We go through the remainder of setup but it is VERY slow. Like I click something and then say 10 seconds later it does it. After setup is complete and it boots into regular Vista I have the same performance issue.

    I tried reinstalling the OS, same result. I tried updating the video driver with an ATI Vista beta driver, no change. I tried disabling hyper-treading in the BIOS and using Intel SpeedStep (as it was disabled in the BIOS before), no change. I tried disabling all the background stuff that does need to run like system restore, indexing, SCSI Initiator, Remote Desktop, etc. Still nothing I do seems to change the performance.

    Is there anyone testing this that may have ideas of something I missed or what could be wrong please let me know.


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