Excel Help?

    Date: 12/05/06 (Microsoft Windows)    Keywords: database

    Hello all.

    First time poster here. I hope someone can help me.

    I am a geneticist looking at epilepsy. I have a large Excel database of the samples that come in My problem is that I want to associate numerical scores to the type of seizure that the patient suffers.

    So I record the seizure type for each sample in column D. There are 8 options for seizure types:

    (generalised, focal, myoclonic, other, multiple - G+F, multiple - G+F, multiple - G+F+M, multiple - F+M).

    In column E I assign a value depending on the seizure type, so generalised is 1, focal is 2 and so on.

    At the moment I'm having to do it manually which is extremely time consuming. Can someone help with a formula or maybe even a macro(?) that would allow automatic entry of a value in column E depending on column D?

    I'm not terribly good at things like this and I've tried using the IF formula but as far as I can tell, it doesn't really like more than 2 possible outcomes.

    Thank you in advance!

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/ms_windows/73394.html

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