Transferring files to a new computer

    Date: 12/23/06 (Microsoft Windows)    Keywords: no keywords

    Okay, so.. I'm getting a laptop for Christmas. The problem is, all my files - pictures, music (over 30gb, and that's all my ipod holds), documents for school, etc - are on the computer I'm using currently. I have no problem with simply re-downloading the programs like Limewire,, AIM, and so on, but I don't want to spend the many many hours/days it would take to get all my music back, and I don't want to lose any pictures. My question is this: how can I transfer my files WITHOUT losing any of them? I know I can easily burn documents and stuff to CD, but I have entirely too much music to do that.

    If it helps, my OS is Windows XP (for both the computer I'm using now and the new laptop). I know that the new laptop has wireless LAN built in, and we have a wireless connection on the computer I'm using now, so.. could I enable document sharing, put all my files in the shared documents folder, save them to another place on my laptop, and then delete them from the old computer and the shared documents folder?

    I'm completely illiterate when it comes to transferring anything from computer to computer... I've never had to do it before. Thank you for any help you guys can offer! :)


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