help with writing excel program?

    Date: 09/12/07 (Microsoft Windows)    Keywords: programming, software

    Hello everyone. I am currently taking a Digital Circuits class and am required to write a program in MS Excel for a project. What I am required to do is write a program (using excel, of course) that converts a 16-bit binary number into decimal and hexadecimal. This program needs to be set up so when someone enters a 16-digit binary number, it will automatically convert this number into decimal and hexadecimal. I can't use any of the available excel functions. I have very, very little experience using Excel and all I know how to do is type numbers into the different columns. That's it. I also have NO prior experience in computer programming. None at all.

    Does anyone know of any good resources online that can help me with writing an Excel program? Maybe, would anyone know what code to use for this binary-decimal and binary-hexadecimal conversion process? If anyone has any suggestions, tips, hints, tricks, or information that could assist me, I'd really appreciate it. I'm not looking for someone to do the project for me. I'm just looking for an experienced excel user that has written programs using this software or similar software, that could give me some advice.

    Thank you very much.


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