Installing WinXP

    Date: 06/18/05 (Microsoft Windows)    Keywords: no keywords

    I recently got a (legal) copy of a Window XP Pro installation CD & key through the MSDNAA. (My school's CS department just got a subscription and a computer science major got the copy for me.) I've been trying to use it to upgrade from Windows Millennium.

    Problem: it tells me that my CD key isn't valid. It's the correct key. I've checked it and rechecked it, typed and retyped it. I've tried the hints on this troubleshooting page--installing from a command prompt, copying files onto my hard drive and installing from my hard drive, running scandisk, booting with very few things running and then success. It continues to tell me my key is invalid. Is there anything else I should try? I really, really want to switch to Windows XP.



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