XP Pro SP2 glitches

    Date: 12/01/05 (Microsoft Windows)    Keywords: no keywords

    Hello people
    I hope someone can gimme some fresh ideas, because i'm getting tired of this buggy subject stuff... I have two problems.

    there's comp with win98 at it, which is FULL of bugs after it was recovered from crashed HD. 2 of 3 partitions is under FAT32, 3rd partition was formatted under NTSF with XP Pro sp2 installed absolutely "from zero". It do loads into the safe mode, but gets struck with attemp for the first launch. I know there's conflict between 98 and XP, but they're in different partitions. Logs doesn't show anything susceptful, there's no hardware interrupts, only errors for comm things, because i load it without networking.
    If this is because of an old hardware (usb and all) isn't it should show me some errors or anything?

    There's another computer with subject on it, early there was working GPRS through generic IRDA and mobile phone. It WAS working, but then started with PPP errors, says, connection was interrupted. I was getting such an errors for a week, then it resumed working, then again stopped. Sometimes i can get connected but it even doesn't call for DNS servers.
    I guessed it's something with my mobile operator, so i tryed 2 other operators with the same result. One of them DID worked for about a 20 minutes and then got down.
    Then I guessed it something with my mobile phone itself, but another one didn't worked too! If all the operators and different phone didn't worked, means, it's something with my system?
    I have PPC - it was adjusted for GPRS too, and now it also can't get access. So if any settings was changed with XP, i didn't touched PPC, andits settings was the same as when it worked for the last time.

    Any ideas? Just anything?

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/ms_windows/53499.html

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