
    Date: 12/17/05 (Microsoft Windows)    Keywords: web

    well, here's the thing.. i have been dealing with this issue for about a week now..
    maybe someone here knows something of anything that can help...

    the irrelevent part? my little brother was on the family's computer running photoshop and internet explorer at the same time, and the computer crashed.

    the important part? when we restarted it, there was an error message:
    a problem with explorer & something about KERNEL32.DLL
    many searches later..
    and many attempts later,
    we still haven't fixed that computer.

    we have tried EVERYTHING. and even tried messing with it in safe mode, as some tutorial website said to do so.

    so now.. not only is the KERNEL error continually popping up...
    but now the computer is stuck in safe mode.
    and yes..i have tried everything there too.

    so why not system restore? because my parents are artists, and photos of their stuff is on the hard drive, stupidy not backed up... and we are too afraid certain things would be lost.

    when it comes to computers, i usually lick a problem super fast...
    but this is kicking my butt...

    any suggestions?

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/ms_windows/54016.html

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