playing mp3s in DOS via telnet

    Date: 01/05/06 (Microsoft Windows)    Keywords: linux

    In my room, I have two computers. The main machine is a WinXP tower connected to pretty much my entire home media system. The second is an old IBM 760ED laptop with Win98. I usually sit on one side of the room and use that computer for writing and work and whatnot, to keep myself free of the distractions of games and the like. What I am wondering is this:

    Is it possible to set up a command-line music player on the XP machine so that I can telnet to it from the 98 machine and play music on the main computer? I know it is fairly easy with Linux, but I no longer have my linux machine. My laptop has crappy speakers and is not connected to the main speakers, so I'd like to be able to pick and choose MP3s for the main computer without having to keep putting down the heavy laptop and crossing the room when I want to change the music.

    Any assistance would be much appreciated.


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