i hate trojans..
Date: 02/18/06
(Microsoft Windows) Keywords: no keywords
..and virii, worms ----arrrrh!
i haven't been able to get online since 2/15... i'm actually posting from a borrowed computer.
here's what happened:
-found a trojan in my sys files. it was unrepairable, so i deleted it. minutes later, my connection got really slow. i was still taking care of the trojan (running tests, etc). so i simply reset my modem.
usually this works, but not this time.
i lost my connection all together.
i reboot. reset. no luck.
i have been on the phone with sprint and d-link for the past two days.
my computer goes through the router. the computer i'm typing on now is wireless-- no inet problems.
so, it has to be something messed up internally, right?
could a trojan screw up my newtwork card???
i hate talking to people in india who assume i've done something to knock my ethernet cables loose. and i hate reinstalling windows (another top notch recommendation- thanks sprint).
why do they need to include so much junk with windows by the way? there's no such thing as a clean install anymore.
also, this was my first reinstall w/o formatting first. i didn't back up like i should have (just grabbed a few things).
NOW i think my whole "my documents" whuch includes my videos, music, photos, work, etc.. has been overwritted by a new EMPTY "my docs".
i know my dsl is working, but it worn;t see
has anyone ever had this happen?
Source: http://community.livejournal.com/ms_windows/58917.html