I'm New! Welcome Me!

    Date: 03/09/05 (Mozilla)    Keywords: browser

    I just got the whole Firefox/Mozilla thang when I heard that they have tabbed windows now. Whoop!

    Anywho, here is my problem. My fiancee replied to a post while I was on LJ and just clicked to post under his name without signing out. No big deal, except now whenever I try to comment it keeps his name in the field and automatically tries to post it like that, instead of posting as the logged in user. What gives?

    I'm also a GMail user and when I click "Reply at page" to post a comment it opens an entirely new window, even though I have it set in the options to open links in a new tab in the most recent window.

    Any ideas?

    I hope I'm not being repetitive, I'm going to scroll through + read now...

    (This is all new to me, I've been using Avant Browser for roughly two years now, I loved the tabbed windows!)


    X-Posted to '[info]'firefoxusers

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/mozilla/258947.html

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