Kojo Nnamdi Show publicitiy

    Date: 03/09/05 (Mozilla)    Keywords: php, browser, security, web

    I know this isn't totally an advocacy group, but I think some of you might enjoy seeing the publicity that moz and firefox are getting. The Kojo Nnamdi show, on WAMU-FM
    (Howard University PBS radio) had a show on browsers today, and what I was able to catch of it sounded pretty positive to firefox. For a while they'll have a stream up on their web site: (updated edit: seems they're up for quite a while, the archive is back to 2003).


    The Kojo Nnamdi show is always pretty interesting. Glad I found out about it. Too bad it wasn't in time for the show to post here so folks could call in or email. :( It aired Tuesday at 12.06 hours Eastern US time. On air were guests columnist Mark Kelner from the Washington Times (bleh ..to the paper not the columnist) and Alan Paller, research director of The Sans Institue (computer security).

    And if folks really don't want these kinds of posts, let me know. :)

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/mozilla/259189.html

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