interview with the kid that started firefox

    Date: 07/03/06 (Mozilla)    Keywords: software, html, web, spyware, microsoft

    Q: Microsoft essentially allowed Internet Explorer to go dormant for several years, until Firefox started coming along and chipping away at its market share. What do you think about that, and what does that say about the state of competition?

    Ross: That makes me furious, to be completely honest with you. That, more than anything, is why we really had to start Firefox in the first place.[...]

    The truth is I think Microsoft is very directly responsible for spyware and adware and the pop-up ads in general that proliferated across the Web after they abandoned their product [Internet Explorer]. I mean, this is the world's most-used software application ever ... and I just think it's irresponsible for a company to abandon it simply because they can't find a financial incentive to continue development on it.


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