Disappearing bookmarks

    Date: 07/06/06 (Mozilla)    Keywords: no keywords

    I had to manually shut down my computer earlier today because it froze up. I didn't realize until about an hour ago, when I attempted to go to one of my bookmarked sites, that EVERY bookmark has turned into dust. This includes the default bookmarks. When I drop down the list, it has the add and manage bookmarks, and "BookMarks Toolbar Folder," which is empty.

    I read through and followed the instructions on this entry, but the bookmarks.bak file only has the default bookmarks. I am on my correct default profile as well (my first thought was 'oh, this has happened before, it just switched profiles on me!'-- nope).

    So, are my bookmarks really dust, or is there something else I can do to retrieve them? This is one of a long line of computer mishaps I've had today, I think I may go insane.

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/mozilla/369152.html

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