A really weird problem.

    Date: 07/11/06 (Mozilla)    Keywords: no keywords

    I, for the life of me, cannot get Firefox to start all of a sudden.  I'm running XP Pro, btw.  So I open up the task manager, and there it is sitting in the processes menu.  So I kill it and try to open it again.  Won't open.  So I think it's maybe the shortcut or something, so I open up the Program Files directory on the C drive and directly double click on the EXE.  CPU usage goes to 100%, which is not news for the starting of Firefox for me, and then it dies down.  Still doesn't open.  I restart my computer.  Still not opening.  Try reinstalling it with the latest version (IE still works for me).  Not happening.  Firefox just plain won't open.  So I restart again for good measure.  Nope, not happening for me.  Thunderbird still works for me, so any responses sent to this post will be seen.  I can't tell you what extensions and themes I'm running because 'fox won't open and there's a hella long list.  I haven't added any new ones lately anyways.  I refuse to run IE.  So any help is and will be appreciated.

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/mozilla/369654.html

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