Firefox Update to

    Date: 05/12/07 (Mozilla)    Keywords: no keywords


    I'm puzzling about an update notification I got just 10 minutes ago, that Firefox is ready to install. Well, it would be finde with me... BUT (!) I have already installed Firefox on my system! I have no idea what the f... is going on here?

    I made a screenshot of the about-box and the update notification HERE to show that this is really true. Has anyone an idea what this is? The "Details"-Buttons redirects to this address. And no, I didn't click on "Firefox jetzt neu starten" ("Restart Firefox now") yet and I don't know what happens then.

    Crossposted in '[info]'firefoxusers.

    The info on this site helped to fix the problem. The notification is gone and after a restart the current version is still


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