Rich Text Cut/Copy/Paste on GoogleDocs and LJ

    Date: 05/13/07 (Mozilla)    Keywords: browser, java, security, web, google

    If you've ever edited a document in the word processor of and right clicked to select "copy" or "paste"; you've likely seen a message telling you that Firefox/Mozilla doesn't support the copy/cut/paste functionality. You can see a similar error message in LJ's post/comment web interface: copy and paste isn't allowed?

    Well, it just ain't true! Our preferred browser simply has some security settings that must be modified to allow clipboard functions from Javascript. Just add the following to your user.js file:

    user_pref("capability.policy.policynames", "allowclipboard");
    user_pref("capability.policy.allowclipboard.sites", "");
    user_pref("capability.policy.allowclipboard.Clipboard.cutcopy", "allAccess");
    user_pref("capability.policy.allowclipboard.Clipboard.paste", "allAccess");

    The same technique can also be used to activate the copy/paste right click in the rich text editor on LJ, but I'll leave that as an exercise for the reader.



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