Thunderbird update help

    Date: 08/19/07 (Mozilla)    Keywords: software, virus

    Help! I have downloaded the latest version of Thunderbird (already had it on my computer, but got a message saying there was an update available). Everything downloaded alright, but then when I tried to get into Thunderbird, it tries to add the latest updates, but then I get a message saying "Software Update Failed: One or more files could not be updated. Please make sure all other applications are closed and that you have permission to modify files, and then restart Thunderbird to try again." I click okay, and then it just tries to install the updates again, giving me the error message, on and on in a nasty cycle.

    I've tried googling the problem, and I can find stuff about the same error message given for Firefox updates, but nothing on Thunderbird. Can anyone help?

    Also, dunno if this matters, but right before I downloaded the new version, I renewed my subscription to my anti-virus protection and downloaded the software for that. Could that have anything to do with it? Thanks in advance!!


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