
    Date: 08/20/07 (Mozilla)    Keywords: browser, web

    Ok, so here's my trouble...
    I have a Mac laptop. Since Safari is an inferior web browser, I download Firefox. I get an icon in my Applications that is a sheet of paper with a hard drive on it called Firefox dmg, and an icon of an external drive with the Firefox logo in my desktop. I click on the icon in my desktop and it brings open a small window with a Firefox logo in color on the left, a greyscale logo with a plus sign and arrow pointing at it in the middle and a greyscale Applications icon on the right. I can click on the color logo and it opens a Firefox browser. I cannot click anything else in the window.
    When I shut down my computer and turn it on later to use it, the icon is gone from my desktop. There is only the paper with a harddrive icon in Applications. I have to click it and re-accept the Terms of Service, and Then I get the weird window with the 3 icons all over again. It is annoying and I wish I could just have Firefox all the time. And not have to jump through a bunch of hoops...

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/mozilla/396435.html

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