Thunderbird junk mail folder issue

    Date: 10/14/07 (Mozilla)    Keywords: virus

    Howdy, new here ::waves::  And, I brought cookies .... ::passes tray around::

    I am a long time Firefox and Thunderbird user. Love it!  Windows XP, if it matters.

    Have a new issue I'm not sure about.  When I delete all the mail from my junk folder, my junk folder still shows that there are messages in it.  It started about a week ago, leaving 4 messages in there, now I'm up to 12, I think.  However, I can't actually see any messages, nor can I select any using ctrl+a in order to delete them.  I'm concerned it is some kind of a virus, or something, and I'm running all my programs over and over to try to catch it, but nothing is coming up.

    Suggestions and ideas welcome, even if it's just "chill out, it's all normal and OK!"

    Thanks in advance


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