CSS display issues

    Date: 01/05/08 (Mozilla)    Keywords: css, html, web

    For some reason CSS display randomly stops working for certain websites. It isn't bad coding... Rather, it's as if Firefox isn't reading the CSS. LiveJournal, Photobucket, and MySpace are examples. The pages display in pure HTML, without formatting of any kind and it's ugly. Drives me a little nuts on sites with div navigation.

    Here's a screen grab.

    It's happened once or twice before. In my XP machine and now my Vista laptop. It isn't scripts or adblock because I've disabled all that. It's nothing on my system because when I ended up doing a clean reinstall of Firefox, it was fine again.

    Anyone know of this issue or how I can fix it without having to do another clean reinstall? I'd like to avoid having to customize from scratch again with all my favorite scripts and and extensions.

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/mozilla/406168.html

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