heart symbol

    Date: 12/18/07 (Mozilla)    Keywords: html, google

    I recently had to get my iBook repaired by Apple (I really should learn not to spill tea on the keyboard), and they returned it to me with the hard drive wiped. I've been putting things back together, including installing Firefox again, but there's something I can't find on the Mozilla home page or with a Google search, and it's driving me nuts.

    I know there's a way to do something in Preferences, I think in the Advanced section on fonts, that will make ♥ (the html for a heart symbol) show up as an actual heart and not the vertical line it's appearing as now. I think I found the way to do this from a link to the old LJ community for Firefox fans that has since been deleted. Is there anyone here who knows what I'm talking about and how to make it happen?

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/mozilla/405825.html

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