Problem with Thunderbird 1.0.2 on XP

    Date: 05/28/05 (Mozilla)    Keywords: hosting

    Hello, All.
    I have been having this terribly annoying problem with Thunderbird on my XP ever since I got it and was hoping someone here may know of a fix. Whenever I check my email, wether it be a profile for only one email account or a profile with three email accounts, I get a pop up warning window that says, "Unable to connect to your IMAP Server. You may have exceeded the maximum number of connections to this server. If so, use teh Advanced IMAP Server Settings dialog to reduce the number of cached connections."
    I have contacted my hosting company and it's not on their end as they reportedly do not get these errors when they use Thunderbird, and I have also reduced the cached connections to zero, no difference.
    Does anyone have any ideas? It's terribly annoying as it won't let me view the inbox/outbox/sent/trash/etc unless I close a reopen to view a different folder due to this "caching" problem.


    PS. Does anyone else also notice that if they open their profiles and click on the profile and hit okay too quickly it wont load Thunderbird, but keep a process open in the background instead preventing an further processes of Thunderbird until you end-task it? If i open the profiles, wait a moment and then hit okay. the app loads fine.



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