Slavishly paraphrased from Slashdot...
Date: 05/29/05
(Mozilla) Keywords: xml, java
"Mozilla's Deer Park 1 Alpha RC appears to have extended the Javascript specification. New features include Array object methods "every" (logical AND), "some" (logical OR), "map" (function mapping), and "forEach" (iteration). They also appear to have added native XML support."
So, what do you all think? I'm just musing here, but since the new array object methods are not part of the ECMAscript specification can we still tout conformance to "just the specification and only the specification" as a Firefox feature? Are these the first steps in the dreaded embrace and extend? Would such superfluous arguments be mitigated if such constructs and methods were enforced as not usable, or maybe just flagged as warnings in the console when called outside of XUL jars?