
    Date: 08/06/05 (Mozilla)    Keywords: web

    I just downloaded 6.0.1, and I'm having a spot of trouble. Since I downloaded it, I'm unable to access >any< web pages. My bookmarks ceased working, and typing in addresses does no better - every attempt is rewarded with a message box "example.website not found. Please check name and try again." I tried add/removing the version and downloading again, but that didn't help, and I tried creating a new profile, but that did nothing, either.

    A point of interest: even after I "removed" my old version and downloaded a new copy, my old bookmarks and properties show up. Is this normal, or does it suggest that the old version might be the flawed one, and it's just not deleting when I tell it to?

    Any help would be greatly appreciated!

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/mozilla/304109.html

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