firefox memory leak?

    Date: 08/08/05 (Mozilla)    Keywords: browser

    These numbers used to be lower. I recently added 3 or 4 new extensions but why is 'fox shooting up on the memory usage? Here are some screenshots:

    fox memory leak LAUNCHING FOX

    fox memory leak ONE TAB OPEN

    fox memory leak TEN TABS OPEN

    I applied the config. trim_on_minimize tweak (along with extension minimize to tray) and
    browser.cache.memory.capacity tweak but memory usage still hovers in the high 90s.
    Found this reco on countingsheep, it's Steve's comment near the bottom.

    browser.cache.disk.enable = false
    browser.cache.memory.enable = false
    browser.cache.disk.capacity = 0 because I'm using Portable Firefox

    I guess my question is: Is the memory usage on this machine too high? Seem to
    remember it staying in the 70s. 80s even, but only occassionally. Does anyone
    have recommendations on how to lower those figures? This is on a WinXP machine, fox version 1.0.6.

    [EDIT] Steve's reco didn't work. New figures: 4 tabs, CPU usage 15-77%, Mem usage 109,312~K.


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