Is Linux Piggybacking Firefox?

    Date: 08/10/05 (Mozilla)    Keywords: browser, web, linux, microsoft

    One of the main setbacks of Firefox from becoming an ubiquitous browser, is its resistance of use by the corporate community. However, FX is slowly entering this market through the back door; meaning through the Linux operating system. Overriding the many obstacles from Microsoft, Linux has a stronghold in the server market. It is also well known, that Firefox has been embraced by the top brass of some Linux companies such as Red Hat and Suse.

    Firefox is the default web browser in Red Hat and Suse Linux, though it's also widely used on Windows, and has been gaining market share. IBM has also been known as a heavy Firefox user and a Linux promoter. As Linux continues to gain popularity in the business community, it will probably piggyback Firefox into the corporate scene. Here is where the big guys play; in the business community.

    Earlier this year, IBM advertised it was willing to hire Firefox programmers. The writing is on the wall.


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