Firefox Tips and Tricks II

    Date: 08/12/05 (Mozilla)    Keywords: browser, web, google

    Imitating Rocky's sequel, I have another search tip which is worth its salt. I hope it serves you well. I got this tip on the same PC Magazine article I mentioned yesterday and was published by Sarah Pike under the title "Keywords II: but Wait, There's More".

    "For certain search-based Web sites—Google, for example—you can actually use keywords to search straight from your address bar. For example, when you query Google normally, you're accessing the URL, where anything after the q= is the exact text you're searching for. Try adding that URL to your bookmarks folder, but modify it to read and assign it the keyword google. You can now type google x into your browser, where x is any search term you want to look up, like computers. You'll go directly to the results page, having saved a few steps in the process. This trick works for a lot of searchable Web sites; play around with it."

    I'm presently in the middle of a college research project related to the causes and consequences of Socrates' trial in Athens on 399 BC. In an effort to search only for relevant pages I used above tip with the keyword Socrates. In the address bar I typed "Google Socrates". The results were:

    * Categories: 6 biographies and 8 reviews
    * Web Pages: 8 web pages. You can view these pages in alphabetical order or view them in Google Page Rank Order.

    All Google's results were very pertinent to the information I was soliciting. This is an excellent research feature using Firefox and Google. If you are a student and don't want to "burn the midnight oil", this tip is for you.




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