Firefox Tips and Tricks

    Date: 08/12/05 (Mozilla)    Keywords: asp

    If you are in a rush to do things (most of us are), maybe you should take a look at a recent article in June's edition of PC Magazine. It pertains to useful Firefox's tips and tricks. Some are easy to set up, others are more difficult.  One tip that I fully recommend, pertains to keywords in bookmarks.

    Nickname Bookmarks:

    Firefox has the ability to assign keywords to bookmarks. For example, you might assign the keyword "lj" to your bookmark. It's a simple process. Click on the Bookmarks menu, right-click on your LiveJournal bookmark, and select Properties. In the Keyword field, enter "lj". You can now use those two letters in place of the site's full URL in the address bar, and you'll be taken right to the page you saved.

    When I did it (last night) for the first time, I couldn't believe my eyes. So fast and so simple! 

     If you are interested in reading the whole article, which I fully recommend for those who are just beginning to know Firefox, kindly click this link:,1895,1827300,00.asp




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