Yahoo's Music LAUNCHCast and Mozilla's Firefox Don't Mix

    Date: 08/19/05 (Mozilla)    Keywords: browser, web, yahoo

    Yesterday I tried to listen to a customized Yahoo radio station under the category of Yahoo Music LAUNCHcast. Probably you have also seen this ad all over Yahoo's web pages. They are copycatting, Apple's iTunes business model of selling or subscribing to music service over the Internet. They even designed a pretty looking music player named the Yahoo Music Engine. Well, to continue my sad story, I could not connect to "any" of their radio station. Instead, I got the following message: Error: Sorry, we do not support Netscape on the Windows platform. Error code 25-0.

    Did I get the message right? Are Netscape's browsers being discriminated here? Has this happened to you? and if it has, what do you think? I felt rejected because I was using Firefox; in my opinion, the best web browser around.

    I'm not happy, to put it mildly. I wrote them an e-mail expressing my disappointment, but as of this moment, no one has answered from Yahoo's Customer Service Department.




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