The Best Compass For Firefox

    Date: 08/21/05 (Mozilla)    Keywords: web

    If you're a frequent traveler roaming thru Firefox's back roads, having the best compass with you, will be your guarantee that you won't get lost. Of course, this compass is FX's Help features. These features will benefit newbies and oldies as well.

    To get there, click Help in the main menu--->Help Contents or (F1)--->"Welcome to Mozilla Firefox Help" screen.

    This is your guiding compass:

    * Glossary: Defines key terms
    * Index: Lists all topics alphabetically
    * Search: Lets you search built-in Mozilla Firefox Help
    * Contents: Shows main topic and sub-topic, such as:

    1. How to use Help
    2. Using Firefox Help
    3. Using the Download Manager
    4. Customization
    5. Options (Preferences)
    6. Controlling Pop-ups
    7. Managing Cookies
    8. Tabbed Browsing: Keyboard, Shortcuts and Mouse Shortcuts
    9. Menu Reference
    10. Help for ex-Internet Explorer Users

    It's an excellent reference material if you feel lost in your daily web surfing. Finally, I wanted to share with you this beautiful Firefox icon which I hadn't seen before.



    PS: If you know how to delete entries, please let me know. I want to clean out my act of duplicating messages.

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