Produce vCard files for iPod from Mozilla Address book

    Date: 08/21/05 (Mozilla)    Keywords: no keywords

    I knocked together a quick VBScript to convert a .LDIF file extract of contacts from a Mozilla Mail address book into vCard files so they can be loaded onto an iPod. This isn't a full implementation of an LDIF to vCard converter as iPods's don't support all vCard fields and it also maps specific Mozilla fields across to vCard fields. It hasn't undergone extensive testing, so its a case of use it at your own risk, but if you'd like a copy right click and chose save as.


    1. Open your Mozilla Address book. Chose Tools -> Export and save in the same folder as the LDIF to vCard.vbs file. Note you MUST call the extract file extract.ldif, at this stage its a rough and ready script so no front-end.

    2. Double click the script

    3. Attach your iPod and copy the .VCF files into the contacts folder on your iPod

    As I mentioned its specific to Mozilla, try it on any other LDIF file if you like but it won't add personal addresses or secondary email address to the vCard file. Also I haven't tried this with Thunderbird, but I expect it should work.

    The code is rough and ready, nothing special. If you'd like to use and modify it do, just place reference this post.

    x-posted to ipod, livejournal_uk, mozilla


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