Opera Wants To Take a Bite Out of Firefox

    Date: 09/22/05 (Mozilla)    Keywords: browser, web

    Opera has now changed the rationale behind its future revenue generating sources. Instead of depending on revenue derived by the sale of its web browser, Opera will now be dependant on revenue derived from sources other than its browser sales. Opera is now betting on increasing its revenue from search and service partners.

    Starting today, Opera's 8.5 version will be free and without any ad banner or licensing fee. The idea behind this new marketing buzz according to Jon von Tetzchner, the CEO and founder of Opera, is to become the second most used browser, bumping Firefox from that position. Tetzchner wants to lead the pack, but since, IE comes embedded in Windows, Opera is targeting instead at Firefox to increase its sagging web browser market share.

    Free Opera....Soon To Be Number Two expands on Opera's new marketing strategy to weaken Firefox's mainstream preference.

    Will the Fox surrender market share, or will it fight back?



    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/mozilla/321696.html

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