URGENT: Upgrade to Firefox 1.0.7 ASAP!

    Date: 09/23/05 (Mozilla)    Keywords: security

    As most of you should know, Firefox 1.0.7 (and Mozilla 1.7.12) were just released, with numerous security fixes...most notably, the IDN flaw. Apparently exploit code was just released for this flaw, which could allow an attacker to take control of your computer remotely. Therefore, ALL Firefox users should upgrade IMMEDIATELY to Firefox 1.0.7 (unless you're using one of the Deer Park Alphas, Firefox 1.5 Beta 1, or a nightly...then you should upgrade to the latest nightly). This is a very serious flaw...please patch!

    Download Firefox here.

    X-posted to '[info]'firefoxusers.

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/mozilla/321991.html

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