Mail getting downloaded twice, very aggravating.

    Date: 09/29/05 (Mozilla)    Keywords: web

    When I got home from work today, I turned on my computer and downloaded about 70 messages quite normally. A few hours later, I woke the computer back up to check email again, and noticed, to my extreme chagrin, that TB was trying to download over 1000 messages--I have TB set to leave mail on the server for a month, and it was trying to redownload the lot! I managed to stop it and delete the duplicate messages, and I deleted some of the backlog of messages using my webmail client, but what should I do to keep it from doing this again the next time I open TB? I like to keep a fair number of messages on the server because I use webmail at work for a big chunk of the day and it's annoying not to be able to find things. Could this be a TB problem or do I have something else to blame?


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