Google's New and Improved Firefox Toolbar

    Date: 09/29/05 (Mozilla)    Keywords: software, google

    Annie Sullivan, Google's Software Engineer, has officially announced that after two months in beta, Google has released Firefox Toolbar with a couple of nifty Firefox-only features. One of these is the addition of Google Suggest, which shows useful query suggestions as you type in the Toolbar search box.

    Attending the demand of many savvy Firefox users who wanted to be able to reorganize their Toolbar with Firefox’s Customize feature, in latest version of the Toolbar, you can go to the View--> Toolbars--> Customize menu to rearrange icons to your heart's content. You can even move the search box around! These goodies are not yet available for MS Internet Explorer.

    Click here for more information about the new Google's Firefox Toolbar.

    Note: The software requires Firefox 1.0.x and will not work with Firefox 1.5 Beta 1 (though it is expected that Google will make a version available for the final 1.5 release when it comes out later this year).


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