Firefox Loosing Steam?

    Date: 10/10/05 (Mozilla)    Keywords: browser, web, microsoft

    Net Applications, a provider of Web-based applications that measure, monitor and market Web sites for the Small to Medium Enterprise (SME), today announced its monthly Web site traffic analysis. In September, Netscape Navigator and Apple's Safari continued their modest gains for the second straight month, while FireFox lost market share for the second time in 2005.

    "Opera made news last month when it announced that it will offer its browser for free, without advertising in what appeared to be a response to the wild adoption rate of FireFox," Vince Vizzaccaro, executive vice president of marketing and strategic relationships for NetApplications. "FireFox, Safari, Netscape and now Opera are jockeying for position and implementing aggressive marketing maneuvers which is setting the stage for a very exciting month in October and throughout the remainder of 2005."

    September Browser Market Share:
    Microsoft Internet Explorer - 86.87%
    FireFox - 7.55%
    Safari - 2.39%
    Netscape - 2.16%
    Opera - 0.51%
    Other - 0.52%

    August Browser Market Share:
    Microsoft Internet Explorer - 86.31%
    FireFox - 8.27%
    Safari - 2.20%
    Netscape - 2.02%
    Opera - 0.62%
    Mozilla - 0.51%
    Other - 0.07%

    Source: Market Share by Net Applications
    Copy: Epiac's Place


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