Simility : A new approach to search

    Date: 10/16/05 (Mozilla)    Keywords: web

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    About simility
    "simility is easy

    The simility toobar is the fast, easy way to find great new content on the web. With just the click of the "recommend" button, we suggest new pages similar to the page you are currently viewing.
    Better than search

    simility is better than search engines because the recommended pages are generated from other users. We only show you recommendations of sites that other users find interesting and helpful, so you don't need to spend time paging through hundreds of search results."

    Simility is basically a web discovery tool. We have released Firefox toolbar and IE toolbar is soon going to be launched. The toolbar collects the browsing history ( this can be disabled. Also https & ftp sites are blocked ) and recommends you pages similar to your currently viewed webpage and highly rated by other users.

    (currently we support recommendations on pages related to sports and computers only. So, don't get disheartened if you get 'no recommendation' on a page. :-) Soon we'll be adding other categories.)

    What do you guys think about it ?


« I'm considering... || Problems with Extensions »

antivirus | apache | asp | blogging | browser | bugtracking | cms | crm | css | database | ebay | ecommerce | google | hosting | html | java | jsp | linux | microsoft | mysql | offshore | offshoring | oscommerce | php | postgresql | programming | rss | security | seo | shopping | software | spam | spyware | sql | technology | templates | tracker | virus | web | xml | yahoo | home