Problems with Extensions

    Date: 10/19/05 (Mozilla)    Keywords: browser

    My copy of Firefox has stopped responding to "install" links for extensions on sites like Mozilla Update and Mozdev. This is the second or third time this has happened to me, and previously my only recourse was to do a complete reinstall - which mean loosing a lot of my settings and my already downloaded extensions. Is there any way to fix this without such a dramatic recourse. Basically, when I click on the links, absolutely nothing happens. The status bar continues to read "done" and nothing else happens.

    While I'm here I might as well ask something used to be that when I started typing in a browser window when I wasn't in a text box Firefox would automatically start a page search. Now I have to always press ctrl+F first. Is there any way to make it behave in the old way again?


    BTW, I'm using Firefox 1.0.7 on a Windows XP machine.


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